Sunday, June 13, 2010

Up-Country Fair Makawao 2010

Benny Uyetake Solo Performance on guitar at Up-Country Fair...awesome!
Check out this video on YouTube:

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks Marilyn,

    The song I was playing is called Classical Gas, by Mason Williams

    oops! You misspelled my last name. Benny Uyetake.
    I appreciate your spirit. My next performance upcountry will be at the Lavender Farm, Alii, on July 10 at 11:00-11:45. I will be at the Ulupalakua, hopefully on a soon to be announced Sunday.
    You are a blessing. The fair was sooooo much fun!!!


So readers what do you think? I love your comments and feedback! Aloha and have a great day.