Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Flowers of Maui

Giant Proteas originally were grown in Africa but adapted beautifully
to the slopes of Haleakala, Maui. Gorgeous fresh and in dried
arrangements Proteas package and ship well to the mainland. For
information on where to buy contact the Maui Flower Growers Association:
1 800 805-2758


  1. Beautiful flower and very informative write-up! Thanks for posting such a neat blog :) Have a SUPER Day...Chantelle, Ccolours

  2. Aloha Chantelle,
    Thank you. I'm glad you like it. My post was brief because I posted from my iPhone, but plan to elaborate more on the Maui Ag Festival. It was a great experience.


So readers what do you think? I love your comments and feedback! Aloha and have a great day.